Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Students Zone

For this particular zone I wanted to experiment with another sustainable approach which is to allow the structure to maximise its capabilities in collecting rainwater and store it. A traditional pitched roof tends to slope away from the centre of the building to allow the rainwater to run off. However, I have reversed this concept by allowing the roof planes to slope inwards to the centre of the building where I have placed a rainwater tank to gather the rainwater which also acts as the core of the building.

In doing so, I was able to once again successfully execute a sustainable concept and implement it into my design. Screenshots of the building in its context can be viewed below.

A view from inside of the building showing the extruded windows.
Another internal view showing the passage ways between the areas within the building and also the rainwater tank that vertically flows down the centre of the building.
A distant view showing the building (position of building not final).
This view shows the roof of the building and the slope of the roof planes and also the rainwater tank.
Another view showing the roof and the rainwater tank.
A distant view of the building (position of building not final).
The building created using Google Sketchup.
The building created using Google Sketchup.
My approach thus far for this experiment has been mainly focused on implementing sustainable design solutions to each zone of my bridge to successfully achieve my main concept that was established earlier in this experiment.

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